We specialize in claiming first and second place search results on Google and Youtube. Thousands of people are searching for and researching medical and dental services every month using these engines. Below are some examples of our current ranked videos and where they appear online.
This is just one example of a video we can create for your clinic, website, mobile website, social networking, and YouTube channel. This service allows you to connect with prospective patients.We are ranked as the #1 video for "Best Chiropractor Seattle." We can replace this video with one of your clinic and so you can reach more patients!
We are ranked as the #1 video for "Laser Hair Removal Seattle." |
We are ranked as the #2 video for "Best Dentist Seattle." We can replace this video with one of your clinic and so you can reach more patients!We are also ranked as the #2 video for "Best Chiropractor Seattle." We can replace this video with one of your clinic and so you can reach more patients!
This video currently ranks as the #2 Video for "Cosmetic Surgery Seattle." |